posts tagged web dev

  • Tina CMS Test

    Testing out Tina CMS, yet another Git-backed Markdown CMS for this site.
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  • JavaScript Generators

    Functions with but with a fun *.
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  • React 18

    React 18 [is now available on npm](
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  • Two articles on web APIs

    Web links worth reading on Canvas2D and the File System Access API.
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  • My favorite part of TypeScript is debugging the config

    I love TypeScript, I do.
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  • 5 Accessibility Quick Wins (and two for this site)

    Practical A11Y improvements.
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  • Stencil, Markdown, and web components in Markdown

    I’ve had an idea floating around for a while: MDX is great, but I hate all of the steps around configuring / building React components with it. If I’m writing Markdown, HTML is valid in Markdown, and Web Components are valid HTML, so why not just stick Web Components in Markdown and call it a day?
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  • HTML, code, and databases

    I can't see ever going back to PHP - I'd prefer Python and I know more C# than it at this point - but I'll never complain about it being a quick and (sometimes) dirty language.
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  • Twenty years and I still can't add a script tag right

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  • Mistakes of the Past

    How not to organize content for a Next JS based blog.
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